Philip Sibbering

Dodge and Move

Changing combat in WFRP

The dodge is an action, but can be used in response to an attack at any time (even out of order the the initiative sequence). The character must have a free action in order to dodge. The dodge now includes movement, a minim of one step up to the maximum move.

To use this dodge; roll for dodge as normal by testing Ag. If the test is successful the character avoids the blow altogether. The character takes no damage at all. The character must now move as part of the dodge. They can move up to their maximum move rate, but they can not stand still. This move is a very special element as it allows a character to disengage from combat or even flank the attacker!

If the test fails they are hit as normal, and still loose the action!

This means that sometimes it is a good tactic to wait for an attack to come your way and dodge the blow and move in. The waiting character dodges the attack, they side step, and move in on the attacker (place the model' if using miniatures, at the attackers side). From this position they can then deliver a strike against a flat footed opponent and gain a bonus of +10WS. As the attack has made a full attack and are flat footed they may not dodge this attack (as the counter attack is effectively delivered at the same time as the initial attack). This is also how a matador takes down a bull, and probably a good way to take down a charging Orc!


If the attacker 'feints' the attack, then the may dodge the counter as normal (but it the resulting dodge roll in failed they feint attack has no effect). This feint attack can be used to spice up the dodge rules (i.e. feint the attack, the defender dodges, then the attack dodges the dodge!)

To feint and dodge in the same action requires 2 (two) attacks, and should be considered as 'advanced' technique.

To make a feint, declare the feint and roll for an attack as normal, if successful the target thinks it is real and will act accordingly. If the target refuses to move because they now that the attacker is making a feints as it was declared (out of game world knowledge) then the feint can be treated as a real attack and damage rolled up as normal (basically treat it as a real attack!). If the test is a fail then the feint does not look convincing and can be ignored as normal.

In game terms the feint is used against opponents that may be tricky and sly, and most likely has a dodge ability (rogues, thieves and assassins and the like). However, if the dodger knows that the feint is declared they can still dodge back and out of harms way (disengage).

If a the declaration is a problem (such as two players with PC fighting each other) then take a playing card and use that as an attack type marker. Place the card under the left hand before the roll (rolling with the right hand, or vie versa if a leftie). Do not show the card to the opponent. Let the opponent see the roll and know if it is a success or not, they can then choose an action in repose. Once they have chosen their response lift your hand and show the card. If the card is face up it is a real attack, if it is face down it is a feint. You can use this to 'bluff' the opponent.


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