A mere mention
These chapters are merely mentioned in canon material. As I like to link canon chapters to source material on the Lexicanum, but these chapters do not appear there, I have compiled them here (the definition of 'obscure' in this case is 'not found on the Lexicanum' :P). These chapters do not have an official colour scheme. If you have come across any new canon Chapters in your reading, please let me know (book, page number, and quote would be cool). If you are a member of Warseer you can chip to the hunt here
If at a later date one of these chapters is added to the Lexicanum I'll remove it from this page and update the gallery's link.
Project moved: 03 March 2020
Angels of Wrath
They originate from the 'Covert X' article, Citadel Journal No 22 (Oct/Nov '97).
Fan quote: TheRedAngel;
They were part of the (30 pages long!) campaign 'Heresy on precinct 13' featuring Arbites vs Marine scouts.
A few things I found while glancing over the article again:
-Founded probably M35-M36, Dark Angels as parent chapter
-Grand Master M36 Tristan Dare
-Attacked M36 during Vandires regime by an Ecclesiastical retribution fleet (after refusing to substitute their chaplains with imperial missionaries), only the tenth company survived.
Unmade German Lexicanum page: Angels of Wrath
(submitted by TheRedAngel)
Astral Fists
Mentioned on page 95 of the novel "Redemption Corps" written by Rob Sanders.
Lexicanum page: Astral Fists
(submitted by Inquisitor S)
Charnel Guard
This Chapter only appears in downloadable material (PDF: Dark Heresy Apocrypha: DARK HERESY TIMELINE) from Fantasy Flight games. The PDF covers the timeline of the Calixis Sector. It is part of the 'Dark Heresy Apocrypha' which is: "an irregular series of articles and optional game rules for the Dark Heresy Roleplay Game".
Quote: Page 2 of the Dark Heresy Timeline;
The Angevin Crusade Begins: Preator Golgenna Angevin, a powerful noble from the Terran Court is raised to the rank of Lord Militant and granted a writ from the High Lords to persecute a crusade to liberate and dominate the area of space designated as the Calyx Expanse. His crusade forces drawn principally from the Segmentum Solar numbering over seventeen million levied troops divided into four battle groups and a strategic reserve, re-enforced by elements of the Legios Venator and Magna, as well as the Black Templars, Tigers Argent, Sons of Medusa and Charnel Guard Chapters of Adeptus Astartes and a significant naval deployment from the battlefleets Solar and Obscurus.
German Lexicanum Page: Charnel Guard
(submitted by AndrewGPaul)
Crimson Furies
Page 86 of US White Dwarf 324, and German WD 133 (2007)
German Lexicanum Page: Crimson Furies
(submitted by emperorslion)
Crimson Praetorians
Page 143 of White Dwarf 310
(submitted by emperorslion)
Crimson Scions
Rulebook 40K 5th Edition p 115. They are the closest Chapter to the Hive World Minea (infobox).
German Lexicanum Page: Crimson Scions
(submitted by Brother Tyler)
(submitted by Inquisitor S)
Page 85 of White Dwarf 310
(submitted by emperorslion)
Emperor's Eagles
Page 45 of White Dwarf 74 France (June 2000). A created by Nick.
(submitted by Inquisitor S)
Halo Brethren
Mentioned on page 124 of the 5th edition of the 40K rule book. Under the part labelled "The Beheading".
The Beheading: The High Lords of Terra are all slain on the orders of Drakan Vangorich, Grand Master of the Officio Assassinorum. The rogue Master of Assassins is tracked down and slain by a Space Marine strikeforce drawn from the Imperial Fists, Halo Brethren and Sable Swords. Only a single Space Marine survives the campaign.
Lexicanum page: Halo Brethren
Lexicanum M32 Timeline 546.M32
(submitted by CULCHAIN)
Helion Legion
Ultramarines successor. Created by Steve Cumiskey.
Quote: GW site via web.archive.org;
"Another part of the history that I'd created for my army involved it being a Successor Chapter of the Ultramarines."
Lexicanum Page: Helion Legion
(submitted by The Inevitable One)
Imperial Ravagers
Mentioned in Draco the first novel of the Inquisition War trilogy. The Ravagers are responsible for the Exterminatus of the Hive world of Stalinvast.
Quote: beginning of Chapter 8 of Draco. (page 105 of the Boxtree edition, printed 1993 ISBN 1 85283 835 3 )
'Moma Parsheen, I wish you to send a message to the Imperial Ravager Space Marines' headquarters, orbiting Vindict V.'
That fortress-monastery was the nearest roost of ultimate warriors capable of obliterating a world. Jaq already had his fatal signal concisely formulated: Ego, Draco Ordinis Mallei Inquisitor, per auctoritate Digamma Decimatio Duodecies, ultimum exterminatun planetae Stalinvastae cum extrema celeritate impero.
Lexicanum Page: Imperial Ravagers
40K wiki: Imperial Ravagers
(submitted by Comp)
(quote submitted by Inquisitor S)
Iron Shield
Mentioned in White Dwarf UK (Dec 2008) regarding the Space Marines' Liber Apocalyptica article on page 38
Quote: Liber Apocalyptica - page 38
During the Scouring of Hexdragon XXIV in 345.M38 a situation arose where all three of these occurred in a single battle. Elements of the newly arrived Iron Shield Chapter had suffered severe casualties amongst their Assault Marines during the assault of the Despot of Hexdragon's battle fortress. With all members of the Chapter's Battle Companies fully engaged, Commander Shakirax ordered the troops of the 10th Scout Company be issued with jump packs, so that they could fulfil the role instead. Despite suffering casualties in excess of 90%, the Scouts overwhelmed the defenders of the Obsidian Tower, and the fortress fell.
Lexicanum Page: Iron Shield
GW PDF: Liber Apocalyptica
(submitted by Brother Cambrius)
Knights of Dorn
Part of the 'Original Chapters' article spanning pages 94-95 in White Dwarf Issue 293 US (Nov 2004). Created by Chris Blair.
Lexicanum Page: Knights of Dorn
(submitted by The Inevitable One)
Night Swords
An example DIY chapter found in 'Rites of Battle' on page 43 of the Deathwatch RPG rulebook. Under the section on making your own chapter. They're a Imperial Fists Successor chapter with close ties to the Black Templars.
Lexicanum Page: Night Swords
(submitted by dram)
(confirmed by Inquisitor S)
A fully painted chapter of Space Marines, displayed at UK Games Day 2009. The original Games Workshop article has been removed, only a WayBack Machine image remains. I also found a thread over on DakkaDakka that confirms the name.
WayBack Machine Image
Dakka Dakka forum post
Red Seraphs
Mentioned in Imperial Armour Apocalypse II. In the description of the ‘Iron Cyclone’ dreadnought drop strike during the;
Quote: Page 35 Imperial Armour Apocalypse II (isbn978-1841549767)
Aegisine Crusade into the Mandragora Sector in M.39…..The use of this tactic rapidly spread to other Adeptus Astartes forces taking part in the Crusade such as the Red Seraphs, Marauders and Fire Angels Chapters….
Lexicanum Page: Red Seraphs
Also mentioned in Blood Angels: Chapter Approved & miniatures
(submitted by Dr Bloodmoney)
Silver Stars
Along with the Sons of Gorgax it is hinted that the cause of their loss was a failure to collect sufficient gene-seed.
Quote: Conquest of Armageddon (Novel), page 44.
And if no neophytes could be engineered then, in time, the Chapter itself would die, as so many had in the past. The Sons of Gorgax and the Silver Stars were now no more than dusty memories, the only evidence of their existence being a record within the Index Astartes. So it was that the life of the Chapter was totally dependant upon the medicae work of the Apothecaries.
Lexicanum page: Silver Stars
Lexicanum: Lost Chapters
(submitted by Inquisitor S)
Sons of Gorgax
Along with the Silver Stars it is hinted that the cause of their loss was a failure to collect sufficient gene-seed.
Quote: Conquest of Armageddon (Novel), page 44.
The Sons of Gorgax and the Silver Stars were now no more than dusty memories, the only evidence of their existence being a record within the Index Astartes.
Lexicanum page: Sons of Gorgax
Lexicanum: Lost Chapters
(submitted by Inquisitor S)
Sons of Jaghatai
Part of the 'Original Chapters' article spanning pages 94-95 in White Dwarf Issue 293 US (Nov 2004). Created by Andy Brown.
Lexicanum Page: Sons of Jaghatai
(submitted by The Inevitable One)
Stone Gauntlets
Mentioned in the novel Emperor's Mercy.
Quote: Emperor's Mercy (Novel), beginning of Chapter Two
Even the titanic form of a Space Marine was present, an envoy of the Stone Gauntlets Chapter as denoted by the markings on his shoulder plate.
Lexicanum page: Stone Gauntlets
(submitted by Inquisitor S)
The Nameless
Appear on the star map in the 5th edition Space Marine Codex (pags 32 & 33). Their homeworld of Repentance (noted as an artificial world) is way out on the Eastern Fringe. Their Chapter badge is a lightning bolt in a circle.
Lexicanum Page: The Nameless
(submitted by All C-ing Eye)
Page 56 of White Dwarf 311
submitted by emperorslion)
Viper Legion
Last page of the novel "Redemption Corps" written by Rob Sanders.
Quote: "Redemption Corps", Chapter Seven - Part VI (p. 407)
There had been favour, especially among the Volscians, to make for Field Marshal Rygotzk at Scythia, but Aurelius was eventually deemed the better bet. The Viper Legion Space Marine Chapter was based there and the system had been the departure point for Enceladus.
Lexicanum Page: Viper Legion
(submitted by Inquisitor S)
War Lions
This is a mere mention in an article "Supreme Warriors" by Gav Thorpe which appeared in White Dwarf 210 and was republished in 1999 in Firepower Issue 2.
Quote: White Dwarf 210 (UK version) page 35;
Let's say you've invented your very own Chapter, let's call them... erm... the erm... (takes a quick look at Ian's list of names in issue 197), ah, the War Lions.
(submitted by jlmb_123)
This last section is for unknown chapters that appear as images only in painting guides and what-nots in canon material.
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5 Responses
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The Canon list is missing the Fire Hawks Chapter. They are covered well in IA:9. Orange armour, yellow shoulders, First Company have dark gray helmets instead of white.
One canon chapter I have never seen on any list is The Nameless. Their location (way out on the Eastern Fringe) Homeworld of Repentance (noted as an artificial world) and Chapter badge (a lightning bolt in a circle) appear on the star map in the 5th edition Space Marine Codex (pgs 32 & 33). Going by the star map they appear to be the furthest chapter from Terra.
Thanks for the heads up.
Hi there, I reckon this is a grand Idea 🙂 so congrats. I also have another obscure 'cannon' chapter for you; the Red Seraphs from page 35 of Imperial Armour Apocalypse II (isbn978-1841549767). In the description of the 'Iron Cyclone' dreadnought drop strike during the "Aegisine Crusade into the Mandragora Sector in M.39.....The use of this tactic rapidly spread to other Adeptus Astartes forces taking part in the Crusade such as the Red Seraphs, Marauders and Fire Angels Chapters...."
I liked the name but couldn't find them anywhere else when i tried to look them up!
Nice find. I googled them and found a mention of them on Games Workshops site ("Blood Angels: Chapter Approved & miniatures" [link now dead]). I'll add them in. Thanks.