Guardians of Slann Tech
This was originally inspired by the Amazons in the original 1984 first edition Warhammer Fantasy Battles. The Amazons had access to Slann Archaeotech (such as needle guns, bolt pistols, and power swords!). I started researching real warrior women (surprising little information even in this modern internet age, but there is some interesting information and history out there). As I dug into history I was inspired and the Amazons took on a life of their own and grew into what I post here. Not quite the common view of Amazons, but a re-image and complimentary to the civilizations in Lustria.
Warrior Women
This is my overview of The Fonn, my take on Amazons, for use in games of Warhammer Fantasy Role Play (though you could write up an army list and use it for Warhammer Fantasy battles) - a matriarchal society inspired by the Warrior Women of Dahomey and the Fon people. It is not meant as an accurate historical setting, no more that the Empire is an accurate version of renaissance Europe. It is a pure fantasy and one that brings to the fore the sci-fi elements of Warhammer and delves into the civilization of the Slann (the extra 'n' on Fonn is due to the Slann link, also Gaelic “fonn” = Middle English “fain” = desire).
All humans are descended from the original Fonn civilization, though the current Fonn have retained far more of that civilization and knowledge which was left by the Slann than the other populations.
Notes on name of the 'Slann': Most likely derived from the novel Slan by A. E. van Vogt. In the novel the Slan are created by Samuel Lann (S. Lann <- for the slow ) and are humans with psychic powers and super intelligence (and who can build antigravity and all kinds of things).
From first edition Warhammer
“Amazonian culture is directly derived from that of the Old Slann – the powerful, mystical and technological race that once ruled the planet. The Old Slann seem to have favoured the Amazons, teaching them much about magic, science and philosophy. To this day the knowledge of the Old Slann is guarded and utilised by the Amazonian Sisterhood.”
Black Industries discussion thread here
Black Library thread here
Old Amazon PDF from GW Specialist Games here
In the furthest depths of pre-history, before even the ancient Elves walked upon the Earth, this world was visited by beings of unimaginable power. These beings blended arcane magics and technology to work wonders in the name of their Ghod, such wonders that would never be seen in the world again, for they created life from the dust of stars and a paradise on earth.
These beings created the plants and animals, and the first sentient beings ever to see this world. They taught their sentient creations to speak, and named them the Fonn and gifted them with great knowledge. In turn the Fonn learned the name of their creators to be the Slann, servants of infinite beings that existed outside space-time, and true creators of the universe.
Slann Ledged of Creation
- Genesis rewrite
Original 'Slann Era' Infrastructure
The Galaxy Matrix (Webway)
The Slann could travel anywhere in the galaxy (milky way) via the webway, a matrix of interconnecting tunnels through warp space. Travel through the webway is near instantaneous, and a person can cross the galaxy in a mere blink of an eye. However the Slann did not create the web way, it was created by the mysterious entities known only as the 'Old Ones' who also created the Slann.
The Root Matrix (Rootway)
The Rootway is the connections of all galaxy spanning webway to each other. The Rootway is much deeper and more complex than the webway, and require significant powers to traverse. Only the Slann have access to the Rootway (the Eldar in 40K never gain access). Using the Rootway the Slann can travel anywhere in the universe, and it is actually far quicker than the web way. The entrance to the Rootway in our galaxy is in the warp in a position the correlates to the super massive black hole at the centre. Obviously no one has the power to approach a black hole and survive in the material universe let alone warp side, unless they have Slann tech. This is way the web way is called a 'web' because it resembles a galaxy spanning spider web with the Rootway entrance at the centre and all the warp tunnels fanning out form the centre, and the planets further connected via circular connections. It is also rumoured in the most ancient stones in the jungles of Lustria that the entrance to the Rootway is guarded by a hideous warp 'Kraken' of unimaginable power. It is believed by some of the Slann that when the system failed that half the tentacles where cut off and transformed into the embryonic chaos ghods. [b]Warp Gate[/b] Each planet within a galaxy is connected to the web way via two unidirectional warp gates. The Northern gate is the 'in' gate and the Southern gate the 'out' gate. Both gates connect to the planetary matrix.
The Planet Matrix (Layway)
The planet matrix is a global travel way made up of Laylines. The planet is divided into a Layline grid, with equally spaced meridian Laylines running through the poles, intersected with latitudinal Laylines running perpendicular to the meridian lines. Where these Laylines cross a node is formed, and these nodes are access points to the Layway.
The Layway are not the same as the Webway. The Laylines which make up the Layaway are tunnels through the boundary space the sits between the warp and the materium, and are woven form Ethyrium and Aethyr energies which in turn draw from reality and the deeper warp. This technology is far beyond any current civilization in the Warhammer world, even beyond the Elves (even beyond 40K Eldar!) Though the Laylines initially draw power they do not consume power when running, merely convert it from one type to another. When initialised; Warp energy is drawn into the Layline and converted into heat energy which leaks back into reality. Similarly heat energy is drawn into the Layline and converted into warp energy which leaks back into the warp. The system stabilises and is then held in dynamic equilibrium for all time with a constant energy cycle. However the system is designed to drain a small amount of energy that is sucked into the travel ways and is transferred to the Polar regions to power the warp gates and raise the ambient temperature. This has a tendency to slightly lower the temperature near the Layline and can be quite noticeable.
Node enhancement with Menhir (Waystones?)
Nodes within the Layway can be enhanced with a ring of tall standing stones (Menhir) to lower the power required to enter or access the Layway. The designs vary depending on the most common usage and the amount of traffic. Some Stonehenge are massive, made of many concentric rings Menhir. Others are but a single Menhir.
Functions of Nodes and Laylines
The Laylines performed a number of functions to service the civilization of the Slann: such as travel ways, communication lines, power lines and barriers. Using these function requires energy and the Nodes can draw in quite a bit of ambient heat energy dropping the temperature. It is not uncommon for stones to develop a layer of ice crystals even on a hot sunny day.
Travel: By standing within a node and using the correct spell or holding the correct token a person can teleport to any other node within the matrix instantly matching the spell or token. Each node has a different marker symbol.
Communication: Standing within the node allows a person to communicate with any other person also standing in a node via telepathy. The other node must match the hypnotic symbol, the symbol can be written on the stones or on tokens.
Power lines: The node acts as a power source and can run Slann based technology as is a generator. Various machines can be connected via power lines, and these power line also extend the Layway. Using this system a vast city can be powered. It can also transfer power, and as mentioned above under Laylines the system can be used to lower the local ambient temperature. It was a Slann way to correct planetary temperatures while Terraforming.
Barrier: The Layway generates an unusual aura that acts as a barrier. It is not a physical barrier as such, but the energy has a direct physiological effect that triggers a physiological response within sentient creatures when entered. The Layline draws in heat energy which makes a person feel cold and makes the hairs on the neck stand on end. On to off this the field generates a feeling of being watched by a deep brooding presence. Together with a pre-programmed fear of the unknown and an active imagination is an effective barrier. All of the Slann non-human experimental creations are programmed genetically to naturally feel the same way, and to avoid the Laylines. This means the planet is divided into zones, and within each zone the Fonn could run the Slann's experiments. Untainted humans are unaffected by the barrier, in fact it is almost welcoming, but those tainted by chaos (Northmen) feel the effect in relation to the depth of their corruption. The more corrupted they are the deeper the fear. This is because corruption brings a high amount of turbulent warp energy kicked up be the emotional output which upsets the Layline and so it has to draw more heat energy to maintain stability. This drops the temp, but also boosts the field effect.
The Current Infrastructure
At some point in the past the polar warp gates collapsed, cutting the world off from the Webway. This had a profound effect on the Slann and the infrastructure of the Layway.
The Lost City of the Fonn [Centropolis]
Hidden by arcane technologies deep in the great desert of Araby is the ancient Empire of Fonn. It is a vast city of huge towers of curved Obsidian and marble, surrounded with sprawling walled gardens and lush vegetation. Each tower is vast, hundreds of meters across and high, crowned with great bladed spires that earth the electrical energy of the storm clouds rolling over head. The exterior surface is thick with vines, and spew out dense fog from great gargoyles (The Tower are remains of terra-forming equipment left by the Slann)
This city is built on one of the surviving nodes that draws power from a Layline connected to the southern warp gate. This node is the end of the line, and does not continue northward to reconnect to the northern gate. South of the city and there is no other land based node until you reach the Southern Wastes. This Layline cuts through the Great Ocean, and effectively stops all travel around the Southern tip of the Southlands via the 'fear effect' and also interfering with compasses. This sea around this area is known as the 'Churning Gulf' and in Northman Legend is the end of the World. The Layline also cuts of travel to the Gulf of Medes for the Great Ocean.
It is worth a note that the Elf settlements are to the right of the Layline and can't be accessed via the sea by (Northmen) humans. To humans these settlements are beyond the edge of the world and are considered mythical. The Fonn City makes use of the barrier effect as a primary defence and is surrounded by the Laylines extended by the ancient tech of the Slann. This provides an effective barrier to almost all creatures within the Warhammer world. The Fonn also use the Layway to draw excessive heat out of the city and lower the ambient temperature.
The Southern Gate
Unlike the Northern Gate, when the southern gate failed the automatic safety measures kicked in and isolated the gate, and by pure chance it held. Around the pole is a ring of Menhir on the circumference of a mile wide semi-sphere canyon. The canyon is a perfect semi-sphere and smooth as glass. The standing stones create a field which stops all matter rushing into the hole created by the failed out gate. If the stones should ever fail the whole planet would be consumed within seconds. Anyone stepping passed the standing stone line is immediately sucked in the centre and into the warp where they disintegrate and their soul consumed. It is from these standing stones that the southern Layway can draw much power, for the draw in warp energy and convert it in Aethyr. Though nowhere near as much power is generated as that which floods in from the Northern gate, but it is sufficient to power the City of the Fonn
Functioning Layway
Only the a portion of the Layway connected to the Southern gate remains active and it is fragmented at best. It connects the Fonn city to various other locations, most are over the oceans of the world, though there are connections to Lustria and the Southlands, the Kingdoms of Ind, Grand Cathay and Nihon. There is no functioning Layway north of the equator.
The Laylines of the North
The Layway of the northern hemisphere is totally ruined as functioning system, though there are still connected Laylines they are powered via the North gate and are utterly corrupt. Though warp power flows through these Laylines it is tainted with chaos and pollutes the Old World. The Elves have warmed mankind to demolish any Stonehenge they find, and to outlaw the Old Faith.
The North Gate is an open wound and constantly draws in warp energy, the gate condenses that energy into forms which are possessed by daemons and shaped to the daemons true form. It leaks Aethyr energy and contributes to the winds of magic
Intergalactic Hierarchy
The Old Ones
These gods exist outside space and time. It is very difficult for the human mind to even comprehend how this would even begin to work. Suffice to say the Old Ones created the universe and all the galaxies within it, the Rootway connecting all the galaxies and the Webway connecting the favoured worlds within the galaxies.
According to the Old Slann, the Old Ones are truly all powerful gods. The Old Ones perceive infinite realities and all within these realities down to an infinite (beyond atomic) level, all at once, and the entire timeline of an infinite number of universes all at the same time.
The Old Slann
These powerful beings were created by the Old Ones to continue their great work within a given universe. The Slann are tools of the Old Ones as direct contact by an Old One with their material creations would destroy it once it is set up (the Old Ones are that powerful). The Warp acts as a buffer and allows an intermediary medium to affect the physical universe.
The Old Slann are a symbiotic lifeform, a powerful warp entity with the ability to possesses low order creations and transform them into avatars. The Old Slann act as a bridge between the material universe and the Old Ones, the Old Ones can affect the warp entity and the warp entity can affect the possessed physical form.
Creation of the Old Slann form: In the Warhammer world the Warp entities possessed a very small magical creation of theirs, a brightly coloured fire salamander with exceptional regeneration ability (this is linked to a Phoenix myth). The salamander’s regeneration ability was key to the possession and subsequent molding of the form into the common Slann archetype; the highly intelligent humanoid form with amphibian characteristics. It is true that on every world where the Slann played ghod, there are mundane descendants of these little fire salamanders and they are the most common creature in the universe (as they appear in small numbers throughout the entire universe in all galaxies). Many cultures reverse these little beasties as divine.
Power: The Old Slann where immensely powerful, and by using their ability to bridge the physical and warp universes and the technology granted to them by the Old Ones they could manipulate planet on a global scale, even go so far as to change orbits and terraform a barren rock into a paradise worlds using Orc systems as part of the genesis process. However for all there power they had limitations.
Limited Ghods: The Old Slann lived within the Root/ Web/ Layway and are only stable within these structures. They live in vast cities created within these magical structures. When visiting a world, they can not wander too far from its Layline Nodes or they become subject to instability. As they move away from a node the power to maintain their possession increases exponentially and the physical form suffers. Such a limitation meant they could not wander freely within the physical universe. To aid in the great design the Old Ones the Old Slann created a physically stable yet warp connected being; which they named the Fonn.
The Old Fonn
Guardians: Each paradise world was assigned a group of guardians by the Old Slann. These guardians where able to reside completely within the physical universe and their warp imprints maintained by the emotions produced by their physical body. In the case of the Warhammer world these guardians are the Fonn. The Fonn where responsible for conducting experiments, developing new derivative organisms (all kingdoms), and looking after the animals in their care. They are the first cultivators, and are the creators of all the non-humanoid creatures, even the Elves.
What is interesting about the Old Fonn is that they where originally all women, and could give birth to children without sex, creating a virtual clone copy of themselves by a process known as Parthogenesis.
New Age
The new Fonn
The Slann at some point before the fall modified this and introduced men as a process to enable survival in the word once the grand experiment had run it's cause, where the Fonn would join their creations and live out their lives in paradise. However it is still not unheard off for a Fonn female to have an 'immaculate conception'.
This modification was needed if they where to live in a area that had being infected with the Orc genesis strain. The Orc strain is responsible for all disease in the world.
This gave rise to the new Fonn, who refer to themselves simply as the Fonn, that inhabit the Warhammer world in the great desert.
After this was the fall, though the Fonn see it as part of the great plan and refer to it as the leaving where all operations was handed over to guardians.
Problems: However there was a problem with the North gate when it closed and the warp entities that where part of the Old Slann disappeared leaving the physical amphibian yet humanoid forms behind. These physical forms are referred to as the Slann (not the Old Slann), and the Fonn often miss out the second 'n' to make 'Slan'.
The Slan (Slann)
The Slan are degenerated and grotesque mockeries of their former selves. Each Slan is many thousands of years old yet still they cling to life. Their bloated bodies constantly regenerating as their minds unraveled over the millennia until their vast intellect was unbound by reason. These beasts are utterly insane and are possessed of a singular selfishness and hatred that defines evil. In moments of lucidity they wake from the fetid dreams to claw at the chaotic parodies of civilizations born of weaker minds. In the warp their presence is felt as a brooding menace, and the Chaos Ghods sup upon their essence, and pay homage in a sick dance of courtship.
Social Organisation (The Two in One)
Divine Power
The true power lies with the women and their special abilities; for they alone can access Slann tech and operate the temple’s defences. Further the Oracle can divine the future and the sisterhood are exceptional combatants augmented by mystical powers and powerful minds able to project their thoughts. Along with this their aura is soothing.
Most men are enchanted by them, and only the most powerful and individualistic if males can maintain their composure.
The city hierarchy is headed by the Oracle Grand Mother, supported by the Sisterhood of the Oracle (all immaculate conception and daughters of pervious Sisterhood members) divided into Orders. The Orders head up the various governmental and corporate bodies and administers to all levels of state and commerce. The hierarchy is referred to as the Inner Government.
Under the Inner government and free-enterprise are two sides of the same coin. Government administer to the infrastructure and the companies operate within this structure though they are far less adversarial than male operated systems.
Excessive wealth is actively denied, profits are restricted to work hours and money lending is non-profit.
Trade: Major trading partners are the Kingdoms of Ind via the Layway, and via the Kingdom of Ind they trade silks with Grand Cathay. The Fonn also have a shaky alliance with Emperor of Nihon, via a Layway gate to the south of the island.
Defence: The standing army of the Fonn known as The Core are all female, and consist on close combat troops made up of experienced combatants and the younger musketeers. This is strictly a defensive army, and only fights outside the city in co-operation with the men. The Core has seen much action against the Lizardmen of the Southland as well as the undead to the north.
The males form roaming warrior bands headed by a chief, and control various territories based on degrees segments from the city. These bands do co-operate and work together if need be and form the ad-hoc tribunal of the Outer Government.
Bands: Each band are mounted on fast moving winged beasts of myth, such as the ferocious Leogus, lord of the skies (flying Lions), accompanied by packs of Coatl (flying serpents) acting as ‘hounds’ and ridden by younger 'speed freak' males.
In warfare they fight using guerrilla tactics unless linking up with the Core where they form flanking units as part of a larger army tasked with taking out the leaders of the opposition, missile troops and war machines. In lone actions they form raiding parties to recover archaeotech for the ancient Slann Temples in the Southlands, Lustria and the massive jungles south of the Hinterlands of the Khuresh. The archaeotech is much prized by the Sisterhood and carries great favour for those brave enough to recover such wonders.
References to 'Ebonian Tribes' in some rare manuscripts circulating the Empire are actually recordings of sightings of the (all) male scout groups and not an actual tribe. The scouts are erroneously described as, and thought of as, representative of a 'nomadic peoples' and lacking any agriculture or tool making ability and hide their women (seeing as none were seen) deep in the inner deserts. As such, some scholars have gone so far to speculate that the 'nomads' are ‘primitive'. This is a gross misrepresentation, but does explain why the Empire is uninterested in the South of Araby.
Threads of interest here
Military Organisation
Female Careers for WHRP
This is a collection of Fonn (Amazon) careers for Warhammer Fantasy Role Play. These are the careers of characters who are most likely to leave Centropolis and be encounters by Old Worlders (who are to the Fonn 'new world' and a bit backward).
Mother Guard (Advanced Career - Mothers Only)
The Mother Guard have a fearsome reputation among the Arabian underworld and the teaming minions of the devolved Slann skulking in the depths of the jungles to the east of the great city. They are an elite force tasked with the protection of the Oracle, the great Mother, She who sees all. They do on occasion undertake missions under the direct charge of the high temple.
Tall, powerful women with exceptional grace and athletic ability. The Mother Guard are fanatical warriors and train for many hours every day to achieve state of endorphin induced altered perception that forms the basis of many of the bonding rituals in the evening time and shared learning. Many have said (Arabians) that the Mother Guard use drugs as they can be intense and overtly aggressive, but this is a naturally induced high. In combat they are calm, to the point of being unsettling. They are not wailing banshees, but methodical and ruthless killers.
As powerful as they are in physical combat they are also expected to be educated, though most of this education is on the theories of strategy, tactics and improving combat technique.
This profile is for an avatar (agent) working in the lower temple of Xo. This is were the majority of those without clear sight serve once elevated to the Mother Guard. Often this is seen as a temporary assignment, and many Mother Guard already exceed these advancements.
WS | BS | S | T | Ag | Int | WP | Fel |
+20% | - | +10% | +10% | +30% | +20% | +30% | +20% |
A | W | SB | TB | M | Mag | IP | FP |
+2 | +5 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Skills: Academic Knowledge (Slann), Ambidextrous, Dodge Blow, Perception, Read/Write, Ride, Secret Language (Battle Tongue),Secret Signs (Core), Secret Signs (Temple).Speak Arcane Language (Slann).
Talents: Etiquette, Lightning Parry, Specialist Weapon Group (Duel Wield), Specialist weapon Group (Second Era), Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Injure.
Special Rules: Carry archaeotech. Fight as skirmishers.
Armour: Boiled Leather composite and Coatl feather arm protection.
Armour Points: Three points: Arms/ Legs/ Body. Long Shield cover.
Weapons: Power weapon (Sagaris or sword-axe) and Power Shield* or mundane Sword-axe and Tote-Shield**
* Crossing two power weapons and pulling them apart to shoulder width creates a power shield between the two weapons.
** Power weapons are rare, so the bulk off the Mother Guard are often armed with two mundane sword-axe as their primary weapons. In battle this is combined with a long heavy shield known as a Tote Shield (Totem) for protection, which is hooked onto the two sword-axe and held with two hands. This ablative shield is discarded once the enemy is engaged in hand to hand combat where the fuel weapons are most useful and they do not suffer from missile retaliation. If isolated those is power weapons with make power shields and protect the rest while they recover their Tote shields.
Career Entries: Musketeer
Career Exits: Oracle Guard
Oracle Guard (Advanced Career - Mothers Only)
They are an elite force of the Mother Guard tasked with the protection of the Oracle, the great Mother, She who sees all. They do on occasion undertake missions under the direct charge of the high temple.
WS | BS | S | T | Ag | Int | WP | Fel |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
A | W | SB | TB | M | Mag | IP | FP |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Skills: Text
Talents: Text
Special Rules: Text
Armour: Text
Armour Points: Text
Weapons: Text
Career Entries: Text
Career Exits: Text
Musketeer (Basic Career - Maidens Only)
WS | BS | S | T | Ag | Int | WP | Fel |
+5% | +15% | +5% | +5% | +5% | +5% | +10% | +5% |
A | W | SB | TB | M | Mag | IP | FP |
- | +2 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Skills: Academic Knowledge (Slann), Ambidextrous, Perception, Read/Write, Secret Language (Battle Tongue), Secret Signs (Core).
Talents: Sharp Shooter, Specialist weapon Group (Firearms - Third Era), Specialist weapon Group (Third Era), Sure Shot.
Special Rules: Text
Armour: Boiled Leather composite and Coatl feather arm protection on left arm.
Armour Points: 3 points: Left arm/ Legs/ Body.
Weapons: Injection Musket, Needle Gun, Bolter.
Career Entries: Text
Career Exits: Mother Guard
Sniper (Advanced Career - Maidens Only)
WS | BS | S | T | Ag | Int | WP | Fel |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
A | W | SB | TB | M | Mag | IP | FP |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Skills: Text
Talents: Text
Special Rules: Text
Armour: Text
Armour Points: Text
Weapons: Text
Career Entries: Text
Career Exits: Text
Male Careers for WHRP
Treasure Hunter (Advanced Career - Men Only)
WS | BS | S | T | Ag | Int | WP | Fel |
+20% | +20% | +10% | +10% | +30% | +20% | +30% | +30% |
A | W | SB | TB | M | Mag | IP | FP |
+2 | +8 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Skills: Text
Talents: Text
Special Rules: Ride (Leogus*), Archaeotech Totem.
* Massive winged Lions (Lion/ Pegasus). Not as fast a a winged serpent but they are clever. Only female Leogus will take a rider, male Leogus are very aggressive and dangerous. The female Leogus like having a human about as the humans are quite good are defeating the males. Mutual cooperation. Treasure hunters often take a break if their mount gets pregnant (they loose a fight with a male Leogus!). The expression 'my mount is fucked' is often to be taken literally.
Armour: Boiled Leather Torso Plate with runic wards.
Armour Points: 3 points: Body
Weapons: Lance and power weapons.
Career Entries: Text
Career Exits: Text
Wasteland Scouts (Basic Career - Male Teenagers Only)
Young males roam the wastelands looking for trouble and repelling scouts of other nations. They are the eyes and ears of the Fonn and nothing gets past their sharp senses. Males prove themselves through various tasks, the first mark is earned after the tame a tempestuous winged serpent. These beasts are fast and allow for great mobility (and fun!) and the young males race across the desert chasing beasts and rogue lizard men. They learn the ways of the wastes and as the gain experience. As the roam they eventually come to the great jungles and adventure if often at hand. Those who show the great daring and happen to be near a treasure hunter at the time (the young males follow and watch) It is only a matter of time before the start to show off and gain attention. If successful and aren't killed horribly under a swarm of skinks, they may get to tag along with a salvage gang (treasure hunters), and seek their fame deep in the jungles of the old Slann cities.
WS | BS | S | T | Ag | Int | WP | Fel |
+5% | +5% | +5% | +5% | +5% | +5% | +10% | +10% |
A | W | SB | TB | M | Mag | IP | FP |
- | +2 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Skills: Text
Talents: Text
Special Rules: Ride Coatl (Winged Serpent)
Armour: Boiled Leather torso armour.
Armour Points: 3 points: Body
Weapons: Lance, Sword-spear (sword is exceptionally long handle or a spear with an exceptionally long blade)
Career Entries: Text
Career Exits: Text
Fonn Technology R&D
Slann Age: Text
First Age: Text
Second Age: Text
Third Age: Text
Fourth Age: Text
Arcane Weapons
Slann tech weapons are unlike any weapons used in warhammer fantasy or 40K. They are mystical archaeotech and are designed to work with the wielder in harmony, they draw power from the wrap and produce magical effects.
Concept: Each weapons is a spell focus which greatly reduces the casting number and acts as the ingredient. In essence it make many powerful spells petty magic, and as it draws form the warp it is never affected by the winds of magic.
Totem of Zeviozo ('Stunner Gun').
Reference: Reference: In the mythology of the Dahomey there are a whole pantheon of Thunder Ghods, for which Xevioso is the thunder god of the So region.
For my Old Slann ‘Thunder Ghod’ I used this as inspiration. However I did not want to use the name ‘as is’ and I have replaced the X and S with Z's (more lightning like) to make Zeviozo.
Zeviozo is a powerful Old Slann that created the atmosphere of the world and controlled the weather, it is responsible for the environment the Fonn thought off as paradise. It is prophesied to return in the ‘Book of Ways’. There is a parallel to many other Thunder Gods such as Zeus.
There are several types of stun gun, the one here is a First Age model built of mystical materials (refined and cultivated warp stone/ metal) fashioned into a gun shape with a stylised totem of the great Slann Zeviozo. The weapon draws power directly from the warp, and as such it never runs out of power and can be used continuously and indefinitely and is only limited by a wielders need for rest. These First Age weapons can only be used by the higher echelons of the Sisterhood and will be inert and useless in another’s hand. The settings respond to intent, as the weapon works in symbiosis with the wielder to ‘cast’ the effect.
Notice: The Stun gun itself is not used up in the spell only the power it draws into it from the warp is consumed. Use of the stun gun to 'cast spells' also means the Tzeentch curse has no effect, as the casting number with the gun as tiny and can usually be achieved with one casting die (so no doubles). This is by Slann intent to protect humans from the effect of using such technology.
Powers (Spells) using the Totem of Zeviozo
Touch of Zeviozo
When activated the spell totem generates enough power to provide a powerful electro-shock. The shock is very short ranged and often the totem prongs situated around the 'mouth' actually have to touch the target to release the energy.
Casting number: 3 (15 without Totem and random target in area; friend of foe)
Casting Time: Half Action
Ingredients: Totem of Zeviozo (Stunner Gun)
Description: Causes a blast of lightning to issue fourth form the mouth of the Totem striking targets and sending them into a fit which paralyses for 1 round. The target must then make a T test to avoid unconsciousness for 1d10 rounds.
Notes: 'Touch of Zeviozo' is a magic missile with a strength of -2. Complete metal armours will earth the blast and provides immunity, though the target must make T test to avoid a one round stun.
Strike of Zeviozo
The activation level powers the totem to generates a lighting arc between the totem and the target. This gives the weapon some range, and can often jump several yards.
Casting number: 6 (30 without totem and random target in area; friend or foe)
Casting Time: Half Action
Ingredients: Totem of Zeviozo (Stunner Gun)
Description: A powerful lightning bolt blasts fourth form the mouth of the Totem striking the target and sending them into a fit which paralyses for 1d10 rounds. The target must then make a T -30 test to avoid unconsciousness for 1d10 hours, however a passed T test means they are still unconscious for 1d10 minutes.
Notes: 'Strike of Zeviozo' is a magic missile with a strength of 5 and ignores mental armours. Complete metal armour earth the blast and provides some immunity, reducing the effects to 'Touch of Zeviozo' (and ignore any further reduction for metal armour).
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